Last week, we examined the idea that in 1963, America began to lose its sanity as evidenced by what we see today and what has happened since that time. We continue in that theme:
1. In the last several months, 45 teachers have resigned from the Harrisburg, PA, school system because of violence. (One of the resignations came from a first grade teacher after being attacked by her students.)
2. A proposed Delaware education regulation will allow children to self-identify gender and race--without parental consent.
3. Santa Clara University’s student government recently voted to deny a pro-capitalism campus club official recognition, citing the possibility that the group may invite conservative speakers, and that allowing it would be a stand against “humanity.”
4. At the University of Florida, a student was penalized for writing “man” instead of “humankind” in a class paper.
5. Oberlin College offers a for-credit course on "How to Win a Beauty Contest." Cornell University offers a course called "Tree Climbing" "which "will teach you how to get up into the canopy of any tree, to move around, even to climb from one tree to another without touching the ground. This course will teach you how to use ropes and technical climbing gear to reach the top of any tree, to move around, and even to climb from tree to tree without returning to the ground. All equipment is included in the course fee."
7. At the University of Texas there is a course called: "Invented Languages: Klingon and Beyond"
8. The high water mark for SAT scores was 1963. They have declined every year since.
7, The birth rates for unwed girls 15-19 years of age started a steep increase in 1963 from 15 per thousand to 35 per thousand in 1987, nearly doubling over that period of time.
8. The combined live birth-plus-abortion rate for unwed
girls under 15 years of age soared after 1963 from 5 per thousand to 25 per
thousand despite a declining population growth.
9. Sexually transmitted diseases for ages 10–19 began to soar in an incredible increase starting in 1963.
10. Premarital sexual activity among U. S. teenage girls
age 18 moved upward from 22% of the population in 1963 to 54% of the
population in 1982.
11. Divorce rates began an immediate rise in 1963 from 2.2 per thousand to 14.2 per thousand in 2017 among women who were college graduates. (The longer a person stays in our educational system, the more likely their marriage is to fail.)
12. In the academic world, it is now unquestioned orthodoxy that all cultures are of equal value. The unintelligible grunts and howls of a wild dervish screaming out his incantations are to be taken with the same seriousness as Shakespeare. The incomprehensible chicken scratchings of abstract artists are to be accorded the same reverence as the paintings of Michelangelo. When respected scholars such as Harold Bloom of Yale point out the lunacy of this, they are shouted down by their colleagues. (J. Draper)
12. In the academic world, it is now unquestioned orthodoxy that all cultures are of equal value. The unintelligible grunts and howls of a wild dervish screaming out his incantations are to be taken with the same seriousness as Shakespeare. The incomprehensible chicken scratchings of abstract artists are to be accorded the same reverence as the paintings of Michelangelo. When respected scholars such as Harold Bloom of Yale point out the lunacy of this, they are shouted down by their colleagues. (J. Draper)
13. Before 1963, the top seven problems in public schools
were: (1) talking, (2) chewing gum, (3) making noise, (4) running in the
halls, (5) getting out of turn in line, (6) wearing improper clothing,
and (7) not putting paper in waste baskets. Today, the top seven
problems in public schools are: (1) rape, (2) robbery, (3) assault, (4)
burglary, (5) arson, (6) bombings, and (7) murder.
14. In the Christmas card section of the greeting card aisle, there are cards which read: "For my dad and his man" and the other says, "For my mother and her woman." Inside the cards are the words, "I am so glad you have found your special someone to love." (Paraphrased)
15. JK Rowling, speaking to a packed house of 1,600 students in NYC who have read every book of her Harry Potter series, announces that one of the important characters in the books, Dumbledore, is a homosexual. The students sit in stunned silence for a moment and then erupt into prolonged applause. (Look at Romans 1:32)
16. The insanity isn't limited to America. In England, Paul Weston, a candidate for the European Parliament was arrested for quoting a passage critical of Islam from Winston Churchill’s 1899 book “The River War.” This is doubly odd because in November 2002, Churchill was voted the greatest Briton who ever lived, garnering over 1,000,000 votes. What a difference 15 years makes!
17. A company is selling bulletproof infant carriers and backpacks.
Dr. James T. Draper Jr. writes, "I know that only the most simplistic would suggest that the removal of a twenty-two-word prayer from the public schools caused such a radical change. It cannot be denied, however, that the national separation of education and religious faith is directly related to the radical changes that started in the 1960s."
The 1963 decision of the Supreme Court put an official stamp on rejection and rebellion against the Word of God, thus officially starting the insanity as stated in Prov. 1:7, 24-29, and 2:1-7.
To quote the Bible, "and they loved to have it so." Dr. Allen Ross, professor at Dallas Seminary notes that David comes to an important conclusion in Ps. 144:15 when he writes "that any people whose God is the Lord will be blessed." ("The Bible Knowledge Commentary")
It has often been observed that the darker it is, the brighter is the light that shines. In Philippians 2:14-15, Paul writes to the believer, "Do everything without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine like lights in the world," It's a phenomenon of the world that it pitch black darkness, if there is a pinpoint of light, all eyes turn to the light.
Today, if you have a Christian marriage of 25 years or more, you are shining as a light in a dark world. If your life is exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5), you are shining as a light in a dark world. As you verbally witness to the gospel, you are a light in a dark world.
We're not going to tun back the clock, but we can have an impact.
Let's think about it.
14. In the Christmas card section of the greeting card aisle, there are cards which read: "For my dad and his man" and the other says, "For my mother and her woman." Inside the cards are the words, "I am so glad you have found your special someone to love." (Paraphrased)
15. JK Rowling, speaking to a packed house of 1,600 students in NYC who have read every book of her Harry Potter series, announces that one of the important characters in the books, Dumbledore, is a homosexual. The students sit in stunned silence for a moment and then erupt into prolonged applause. (Look at Romans 1:32)
16. The insanity isn't limited to America. In England, Paul Weston, a candidate for the European Parliament was arrested for quoting a passage critical of Islam from Winston Churchill’s 1899 book “The River War.” This is doubly odd because in November 2002, Churchill was voted the greatest Briton who ever lived, garnering over 1,000,000 votes. What a difference 15 years makes!
17. A company is selling bulletproof infant carriers and backpacks.
Dr. James T. Draper Jr. writes, "I know that only the most simplistic would suggest that the removal of a twenty-two-word prayer from the public schools caused such a radical change. It cannot be denied, however, that the national separation of education and religious faith is directly related to the radical changes that started in the 1960s."
The 1963 decision of the Supreme Court put an official stamp on rejection and rebellion against the Word of God, thus officially starting the insanity as stated in Prov. 1:7, 24-29, and 2:1-7.
To quote the Bible, "and they loved to have it so." Dr. Allen Ross, professor at Dallas Seminary notes that David comes to an important conclusion in Ps. 144:15 when he writes "that any people whose God is the Lord will be blessed." ("The Bible Knowledge Commentary")
It has often been observed that the darker it is, the brighter is the light that shines. In Philippians 2:14-15, Paul writes to the believer, "Do everything without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine like lights in the world," It's a phenomenon of the world that it pitch black darkness, if there is a pinpoint of light, all eyes turn to the light.
Today, if you have a Christian marriage of 25 years or more, you are shining as a light in a dark world. If your life is exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5), you are shining as a light in a dark world. As you verbally witness to the gospel, you are a light in a dark world.
We're not going to tun back the clock, but we can have an impact.
Let's think about it.