In Finland, a 49 year-old Lutheran pastor described as "unassuming and gentle," will go on trial January 24, 2022, to face charges of “hate speech” for writing and publishing a 24-page 2004 booklet that explains the Christian theology of marriage, which can only consist of one man and one woman, for life.
Charges are also being brought against a fellow Lutheran for tweeting a picture of a Bible verse. (Yes, you read that correctly.) Coupled with those outrages is the fact that the police publicly admitted their interpretation of Finland’s law would make publishing the Bible a hate crime. (You read that correctly too.)
Let's turn our attention 5,171 miles from the Finns and look at San Francisco where a Nordstrom store in the San Francisco Bay Area was overrun by 80 looters who tore through the place, grabbed merchandise, and fled in waiting cars. Because of Proposition 47 in California, thefts under $950 will not be prosecuted, so the police won't bother showing up.Because of that law, two men casually walked out of a Los Angeles TJ Maxx with piles of stolen goods and no one stopped them.
What has happened in the US of A and in Finland to cause such insanity? And that brings us to Joe Biden and the perfect storm, the storm which had been developing, but has now hit our country as well as others during his administration.
As with any perfect storm, the factors are many and they took a while to build, but build they did and did so right before our very eyes. The atheist German philosopher Frederich Nietzsche (1844-1900), of all people, saw the perfect storm as it began to build.
What he saw as an idea, the idea that human beings could secularize morality, that is, divorce ethics from Christianity and there would be no problems. And with that, the perfect storm began to form. The philosopher wrote, "What these moral fanatics don't realize is how conditional
their morality is on the basis of the religion [Christianity] they
profess to discard.And it is only because of the persistence of that
religion that, for the English, morality is not yet a problem."The word, "persistence" is important.
We can visualize it this way: a country, such as the U. S. has a history of being Bible-soaked. We named our towns with names straight out of the Bible: Salem, Massachusetts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Palestine, Texas, et. al. Our politicians could quote and allude to the Bible without having to explain the reference such as Lincoln who said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." We hear an allusion to "the prodigal son,"" a David and Goliath situation," or "giving the widow's mite," or referring to "a good Samaritan" and we understand the mention immediately. We were a people who read and knew our Bibles and the morality it contained.
But then came the aforementioned divorce: prayer removed; the Bible removed; the Ten Commandments removed. The so-called "separation of church and state" became the standard for by which we systematically removed all references to God and His Word in the public arena.
So, as the storm built, the divorce papers were served and morality was cut off from its foundation: Christianity. Darwin made his contribution to the storm, and man became one more animal taking up space on the planet. Divorced from the Bible, situation ethics (right and wrong depended on a person's situation at the time) thundered over the land. Not only the situation, but feelings, dictated morality, how each person felt became a standard of right and wrong, so we have the situation of "each man does what's right in his own eyes," a statement of relativism.
We must recognize that the storm we're seeing today took a long time to make landfall, that is, it took a long time for morality to become a problem in a Bible-soaked land. And why is that? Leo Tolstoy said it loud and clear: “The attempts to found a morality apart from religion are like the attempts of children who, wishing to transplant a flower that pleases them, pluck it from the roots that seem to them unpleasing and superfluous, and stick it rootless into the ground. Without religion there can be no real, sincere morality, just as without roots there can be no real flower."
The perfect storm in which we live today, does not have its roots in political parties; our educational system, our mass media; it has it's roots in that idea that we can divorce morality from Christianity and there will be no problems. So, what do we see? Insanity: "The fear of the Lord (a positive response to God and His Word) is the beginning of knowledge."
It takes a while for cut flowers to die, but die they do and then comes the perfect storm. Our leadership, starting at the top, are now part of the continual root pulling. Once the roots are gone, there are no rules and chaos descends upon us.