
Dr. Mike Halsey is the chancellor of Grace Biblical Seminary, a Bible teacher at the Hangar Bible Fellowship, the author of Truthspeak and his new book, The Gospel of Grace and Truth: A Theology of Grace from the Gospel of John," both available on A copy of his book, Microbes in the Bloodstream of the Church, is also available as an E-book on If you would like to a receive a copy of his weekly Bible studies and other articles of biblical teaching and application, you can do so by writing to Dr. Halsey at and requesting, "The Hangar Bible Fellowship Journal."

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Friday, May 24, 2024


Pulitzer Prize winner Barbara Tuchman writes about the-great-used-to-be-in England and, although I took a course in college called, "The History of England," our professor, Dr. Jacqueline Collins, never told us any of the following.   

The year is 1538 and Henry VIII is on the throne. He issues a proclamation: "One book of the whole Bible is to placed in every church in England." He orders the clergy to "place the Bible in some prominent spot where your parishioners may most commonly resort to the same, and read it. You shall deprive no man from reading or hearing it but you shall expressly stir, provoke encourage, and exhort every person to read the same."

His reason for the decree was that the Bible had been translated into English and was accepted as the highest authority for an autonomous English church. Starting with this decree, the history, traditions, and moral law of the Hebrew nation became part of the English culture. For the next 300 years, the Bible was the most powerful influence on the English culture.

Matthew Arnold  said: "The Bible linked the genius and history of us English to the genius and history of the Hebrew people." Wherever the Reformation  took hold, the Bible replaced the pope as the final spiritual authority. Wherever the papal bull had ruled, the Word of God as revealed in the Hebrew revelation--Abraham, Moses, Isiah, Elijah, Daniel, down to Jesus and Paul now governed. 

Thomas Huxley wrote: "Consider the great historical fact that this book, the Bible, has been woven into the life of all that 's best and noblest in English history, that it has become the national epic of Britain."

After the publication of the King James Bible in 1611, the adoption of the Bible was complete. Writers habitually used phrases like, "the national Bible" and called it "the greatest of English classics." Another called it, the most venerable of the national heirlooms." 

Tuchman also said, "No other book penetrated so deeply the bone and spirit of English life." 

When Sir Walter Scott, author of Ivanhoe, lay dying, he asked Lockhart to read to him. Lockhart asked, What book?" Scott replied, "There is but one." (The Bible) So deeply had the Bible embedded itself in the British DNA that the King James Version influenced both the literature and the speech of England. It was THE book of English culture, causing one author to say that England had a "mania" for the Old Testament. 

It was England that produced Wycliffe and Tyndale, men who learned the Greek and Hebrew languages to get the Bible into the hands of the "vulgar," the common man, even to the plow boys of the realm

What endeared the Bible to the British was its monotheism and its presentation of an orderly society based on the rules of social behavior between man and man and man and God.

Everyone came  to know the Bible and everyone honored it. "It was in many a home, in fact, it was the only book in most. It was read over and over until its words and images were as familiar as bread." (Tuchman) British children learned long chapters by heart and knew the geography of Palestine better than their own. 

John Ruskin, in his autobiography, wrote on page 1 that at the bidding of his mother he had to read the entire Bible through, every syllable, every hard name, and all aloud from Genesis to Revelation, once a year and then begin again at Genesis 1:1 the next day. Lord Balfour, of the Balfour Declaration was trained in the Old Testament by his mother.*

So it was in the -great- used- to- be that God used a people from a tiny island to continue the transmission of the message of the Bible, generation after generation after generation.

One could only wish for a professor who teach the history of England from that perspective. Professor Collins did not.


*The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 announcing its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. 


Friday, May 17, 2024


 The tide of Jew hatred keeps crashing onto the shores of American institutions of lower learning which go by the names of "University" and "College." The Jew hatred evidences itself in the destruction, defacing, and commandeering of buildings, forcefully prohibiting Jewish students and professors from their classes, opposing police, threatening Jews, and, in one case, killing a Jew.

"A California Superior Court judge ruled Wednesday that there is enough evidence for Moorpark College professor/pro-Hamas agitator Loay Alnaji to go to trial on charges of manslaughter in the death of Paul Kessler, a Jewish man who was involved in a counterprotest on November 5, 2023. Alnaji was involved in a confrontation with Kessler on that Sunday afternoon when he allegedly hit Kessler in the face with a bullhorn, causing Kessler to fall and fracture his skull. Kessler died approximately seven hours after the altercation."

There is an aspect of Jew hatred ("antisemitism" is a euphemism) that's going unnoticed which is clearly explained in the most neglected section of the Bible--the 12 Minor Prophets. (Jonah is the rare exception of this neglect.)

Look at Obadiah. Yes, Obadiah. Who among us has heard a sermon or even a quote from the prophet who seems to be the most minor of the Minor Prophets? Obadiah, under divine inspiration, presents the overlooked factor in Jew hatred in its 21 verses. In verses 11-12, we see the iceberg toward which our uneducated and biblically illiterate elites are steering their ship of hate.

I quote from Obadiah as God directs His anger at Edom, a once powerful nation now in history's  boneyard: 

"On the day that you stood aloof,
On the day that strangers carried off his wealth,
And foreigners entered his gate
And cast lots for Jerusalem—
You too were as one of them.
12 Do not gloat over your brother’s day,
The day of his misfortune.
And do not rejoice over the sons of Judah
In the day of their destruction;
Yes, do not boast
In the day of their distress."

There were two sins involved in their hatred of the pupil of God's eye, Israel. The first is in verse 11: "You stood aloof" when the enemy came against Israel. The nation of Edom, the descendants of Esau, didn't come to the aid of their "brother" Israel, the descendants of Jacob. By not rendering aid and comfort to the Jews, they "were as one of [the enemy]." Not to render aid to Israel in a time of her distress is a punishable factor of Jew hatred.

Then there was the matter of Edom's gloating over Israel's defeat and rejoicing in the day of her destruction. Gloating over Israel's misfortunes is another aspect of Jew hatred, an action of which God takes note.

When we turn our attention to students and outside agitators involved in the campus chaos, it astounds us that their deluded minds gloated over and made heroes out of the savages, who in an early October attack, killed men, women, children, and babies, slaughtering, burning, kidnapping, and beheading as many as possible. 

In the gloating, the students and agitators used their bodies to express the jubilation of their Jew hatred as their arms carried the flag of the depraved and their necks bore the scarves of the barbaric.To them, their dress was their sartorial splendor, their badges of honor in their gloating. 

But it wasn't merely that. When we listened or read of their interviews, we noted a blatant tone of arrogance, the arrogance of the know-it-all-attitude-of-youth. Obadiah sounds an alarm about the arrogance that goes hand in hand Jew hatred. They speak with the dogmatic tongue. The prophet wrote : "The arrogance of your heart has deceived you . . . You say, 'Who will  bring me down?'" Obadiah brings the terrifying answer, "God will!" (vss. 3-4). Romans 3:18 is the divine evaluation of their arrogance: "There is no fear of God before their eyes." 

An employee of the White Star Line, at the launch of the Titanic on May 31, 1911, said, "Not even God Himself can sink this ship." One year later, when the British ship Titanic steamed out of Southampton on April 10, 1912, bound for New York , unbeknownst to the watching world, the captain and crew were on a collision course steering the largest man made object on earth straight toward her destruction. 

Obadiah warned us.

Friday, May 3, 2024


 "The question everyone is asking right now is an easy question: Why are these students — the most privileged people in the history of the world, no skill set, no problems —  playing the part as terrorists and standing for murderous groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the like? Why are they overtly chanting anti-Semitic slogans? Why are they doing all of this? The answer is very simple. They want revolution." So wrote Ben Shapiro.

That's true. But let's ask one more question: "Why do they want  revolution?" And the answer takes us right back to where we should be--the Bible.


Even a cursory look at the Jews and the college campuses leaves a normal person saying, "This is wrong!" We see hostile students blocking Jewish students who have paid their ridiculously high tuition from going to class.

From Columbia's website: "Charges for all full-time entering MSW students are estimated to be a flat tuition rate of $26,036 per semester and are eligible to enroll for 10.5 to 19.5 credit hours each term. 

"Students enrolled in the part-time programs will be charged $1,834 per credit. Students also are charged $1,834 per credit for credits over 19.5. NOTE: Tuition charges for students in the 5-term International Students Program are estimated to be $27,490 each for the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 terms." 

Jewish students are not only blocked from going to class, but are also harassed, in some cases  physically assaulted, and they are the targets of slurs, insults, and chants to the extent that the campus rabbi told them to, "Get out! Get out now!" because they weren't safe. 

A mob of frenzied Jew-haters students busted windows, entered a campus building, took a hostage or two, and barricaded themselves inside. (They went on to demand the university feed them for the duration of their takeover!). That's just the tip of the iceberg. UCLA is in a state of anarchy. On that campus, one Jew hater addressing the mob using a bullhorn screamed, "Israel and America are terrorist nations! Praise be to Hamas! Praise be to the freedom fighters!" She was sending out her hallelujahs for those who murdered, mutilated, and beheaded innocent men, women, and babies at a music festival. All this from the "educated."


Yet, from celebrities and our elites, we either hear crickets or insanity such as this: "Now even if you don’t agree with the subject of their protests, as long as they are peaceful, students should be allowed to protest. It’s their First Amendment right." (Stephen Colbert) He criticized universities that have called on law enforcement to use deescalation tactics and remove encampments put up by entitled students.

He failed to mention several instances where violence broke out between the protesters and police officers. Jewish students have cited feeling scared for their safety on campus, with many saying they have been verbally and physically assaulted by the mobs. Jew haters were seen waving signs that read “Final Solution,”— the official title of Nazi Germany for the policy of killing 6 million Jews. As one Jewish student, looking over world history, said, "In every generation, they want to kill us."

 We heard this from a NYC council member who called the police action a "colossal disgrace, a horrifying affront to democracy and free speech, and an abject failure of public safety." This is twisted logic on steroids.

On what planet would breaking ,entering, shattering windows, vandalizing,erecting barricades, and kidnapping be deemed good? On what planet would this not be considered evil? 


So, what in the world is going on to have people actually condoning and believing that such criminal activities are the right thing to do.

This brings us to the deeper question, "Where is all this coming from?" This is where we go back to the Bible, to II Thessalonians 2: "Because they did not accept the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false." 

The context of the verses is the worldwide response to the Anti-Christ during the Great Tribulation period, yet future. However the verse does express a principle: after a nation continues and continues its rebellion and rejection of the saving message of the gospel, God will send upon them "a strong delusion" as one translation puts it.

What we are seeing is something God-sent--a delusion. It's a delusion they brought upon themselves for their rebellion in rejecting the truth. Romans 1:18ff deals with the same issue. A society can reach a point of insurrection against God and His Word, that He declares, "If this is what you want . . ." and He sends delusion. 

A result of this is that you can't reason with the delusional. They bought it on themselves. 

A suggestion for an experiment: print thousands of flyers with Genesis 12:3 printed on them; fly over the Jew haters campus camps and drop them. Then hover over the campus and watch the students/outside agitators go berserk in their rebellion. 

Based on Genesis 12:3, one person put it succinctly: "They don't know Who they're messing with."