A pun is a play on words. What we need to discuss isn't a play on words, but the sad fact is that we're being played, that is conned, with words.
A premier example arises when our leaders, et al., want to make a case for abortion. Usually the play with words includes the word "right." It is somehow a "right" of a person to decide to and carry through with, killing a baby. By playing with the word, "right," this implies that the right is somewhere in the first Ten Amendments to our Constitution or at the very least right up there with the right to bear arms or the right to free speech and worship.
The playing with words goes on when another word is coupled to and used to define the act of killing an infant, that is, it becomes part of a woman's "healthcare." This would seem to violate the first rule of medicine as enunciated by the great Hippocrates, "First, do no harm." Stabbing a needle into the skull of a baby in the womb would appear to be the very definition of "harm." Also, sucking the baby out of the womb and destroying him or her as portrayed in a movie seems to be a real-life picture of "harm."
The play with words sometimes involves changing words to promote a cause. Remember when it was "global warming?" Now it's morphed into "climate change." Certainly "climate change" exists since it changes in January to be different than the climate in July. Who can argue with that?
When politicians talk about "revenue enhancement," they're speaking of raising your taxes, but "raising your taxes" sounds much worse than something having to do with "enhancement."
When it comes to perversion, we no longer say the word itself; we're told it's not that, it's an "alternate lifestyle." Alternate lifestyle sounds harmless, just one legit choice among others. Along that line, when mobs burn loot, kill, and destroy, it becomes a "Mostly peaceful protest," as one TV reporter said while in the background, private property was burning behind him. The mobs became "protesters."
When they want to take what you've earned and give it to someone who hasn't put out the time or sweat to earn it, they call it "equity" which sounds like "equal" or "equality," but that's not what they mean.
The church sometimes plays with words. We notice the Calvinist, when asked, "How can God, in eternity past have decreed that billions and billions of people would not accept Christ as Savior and then punish them forever for not trusting Christ?" Or, 'How can God say in His Word that "He desires all men to be saved," but has decreed in eternity past that not all will, in fact, a great majority will not?" Their answer is, "It's a mystery." Or as one leading Calvinist said, "How do you expect me with my little pea brain to figure that out? It's a mystery."
And there is the play with words: it's not a mystery it's a contradiction. As my Latin teacher used to say, "If something doesn't make sense, it's nonsense.
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