"For many, immaturity is an ideal, not a defect."........Mason Cooley
There are no parents in sight of the 60,000 youth at South Padre Island, Texas. The situation is so bad, they need a 32-bed mobile hospital. In one day, there are more than 60 casualties, at least 15 of those because of drugs. Among them is a girl of 19 who ‘freaked out’ while on Ecstasy. Dozens more, many of whom are underage, have drunk too much and have either passed out or collapsed in the arms of medics. One medic, a veteran says, "I've been in Iraq; this is worse."
The legs of a teenage girl won't work; she's drunk. Two policemen grab each of her arms and begin to drag her away. A kid named Brady bites off the head of a hamster. One person is shot and killed. Fifty arrested. Pictures of the events can't be published published because of obscenity laws.
In Miami, 4,000 of the sunburned, the drunk, and the drugged take over the city streets. Traffic isn't moving. Police don't have backup and are afraid to intervene. One resident says, I’ve been here 30 years, and I’ve seen everything. From my window, I see stabbings that precipitated murder, public defecation, fights, hit-and-runs. I see sexual assaults. I’ve seen everything you can imagine — stuff that shouldn’t be seen on the public right-of-way,"
It's spring time and spring means "Spring Break," a time when there's not enough police to maintain order, a time of hedonism, moral relativism, and debauchery on a grand scale among teens and 20-somethings. It's a time for the morally immature. They fly in and drive in by the thousands to the beaches of the southern United States for their yearly worship of Bacchus. They stay in hotels, imbibe in immorality at the clubs until 5 in the morning; they eat at restaurants during four or more days of a revelry that would be the envy of Nero and Caligula.
"During spring break, the average male reported drinking 18 drinks per day and the average woman reported 10 drinks per day. More than half of all men and more than 40 percent of all women drank until they became sick or passed out at least once." |
— Journal of American College Health
The hedonist says, "I will do what I want to do and when I want to do it. My moral code is that there is no moral code." John Adams had a warning about that: "We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge . . . . would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."
Our Constitution wasn't written for those in South Padre and Miami. get ready: the latest generations raised on relativism are getting ready to go through the net on a massive scale.
Who's paying for the $20 million spent at South Padre? Whose dollars are going to Delta, Southwest, and American Airlines to get them there? Who's paying the bill and leaving the tip at the clubs? Who's paying the day after day, the night after night of the room service at the Hilton and the Holiday Inn? Not these immature profligates. Mommy and Daddy are paying the bill for their daughters to run wild and their sons to chase them.
Daddy is financing the drugs and the alcohol consumption of the immature who have yet to pay a mortgage, procure car and health insurance, endure the shock of a grocery check-out bill, and who've never had to figure out ways to stretch what's left until the end of the month. Besides that, there are credit cards and student loans from which the cash can flow. Daddy can pay for those too.
These are the youth described in Proverbs 29:3: "He who keeps company with harlots wastes his father's wealth." At South Padre they burn through $20 million in a a few days.
Which brings up a question: Are there no fathers to say, "No"? Fathers, by definition, are those who set the boundaries, those who hold up the "Stop!" signs and mean it. They mean it because they are the protectors who should be the ones protecting their sons and daughters from spring breaks. By saying, "Yes," and opening their wallets, they're putting their own children in danger.
Or maybe this is a horrendous result of there not being a father in the picture. Our culture is declaring dads unnecessary baggage anyway, so the protector, the boundary-setter, has left the building and the lives of his sons and daughters. Repeatedly Proverbs speaks of the blessing of a father who sets boundaries (3:12; 6:20;13:1) But where is the father for these, the immature?
Dad? . . ..Dad? . . . Dad?
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