
Dr. Mike Halsey is the chancellor of Grace Biblical Seminary, a Bible teacher at the Hangar Bible Fellowship, the author of Truthspeak and his new book, The Gospel of Grace and Truth: A Theology of Grace from the Gospel of John," both available on A copy of his book, Microbes in the Bloodstream of the Church, is also available as an E-book on If you would like to a receive a copy of his weekly Bible studies and other articles of biblical teaching and application, you can do so by writing to Dr. Halsey at and requesting, "The Hangar Bible Fellowship Journal."

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Friday, November 9, 2018


Twenty-one Egyptians who were being held by Islamic extremists were executed on February 15, 2012. Decapitated. All right-thinking people the world over should have been outraged by what the Muslims did. Murdering people for their faith is sinful, regardless of their religion. No one should be executed for their faith.

Those executed were members of the Coptic faith, a group with ancient roots that go back, they contend, to Mark, the author of the second Gospel in the New Testament. They hold that Mark founded their church in 42 AD.  The executions were just one of many endured by the group throughout their long history, but they are in the news today because of such things happening as the barbaric aforementioned.


"Coptic" is a word meaning "Egyptian," and the word, as we read it in the news, is coupled with "Christian," that is, they are referred to as "Coptic Christians." We need to examine that term, especially the second word, "Christian." Are they? Are the Coptics Christians? To determine that issue, we have to look at their doctrine, not the newspapers.

The problem is that the secular world puts "Christian" on any group that says they are. But, if we're true to the Bible, we can't let the world give us the definition of "Christian." When we let the news reporting services define the word, the world thinks that Roman Catholism is the "Christian church" or at least part of it, and since Mormons call themselves "Christian," they must be Christians too. But the Bible detrmines who is and who isn't Christian.

So, what are some of the basic teachings of the Copts?


The Copts believe that baptism is necessary for salvation and that a man, a woman, and a baby should be baptized. The Copts perform baptism by immersing the baby three times in sanctified water. The sacrament also involves a liturgy of prayer and anointing with oil. Under Levitical Law, the mother waits 40 days after the birth of a male and 80 days after the birth of a female to have the baby baptized.

In the case of adult baptism, the person undresses, enters the baptismal font up to their neck, and their head is dipped three times by the priest. (The priest stands behind a curtain while immersing the head of a woman.)


Copts venerate (not worship) saints and icons, which are images of saints and Christ painted on wood. The Coptics teach that saints act as intercessors for the prayers of the faithful.

Coptics hold that both God and man have roles in human salvation: God, through Christ's atoning death and resurrection, man, through good works, which are the fruits of faith. The summary of their soteriology is, as they say: 1. Faith. 2. Saving Sacraments: a. Baptism. b. Confirmation. c. Repentance & Confession. d. Eucharist. 3. Good Works.

They observe the sacraments: seven sacraments: baptism, confirmation, confession (penance), the Eucharist (Communion), matrimony, unction of the sick, and ordination. Sacraments are considered a way to receive God's grace, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and remission of sins.


The Copts have their own patriarch, Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria, took office in 2012 after having his name picked from a glass chalice by a blindfolded boy because a boy represents purity.

The Coptics, not Roman Catholocism, developed the institution of monasticism. They state: "It began in the mountains, 450 feet above the sands. The monks believe it was in it was in a tiny cave that St. Anthony, the first monk, followed God’s instructions to seclude himself in the desert. Every night around midnight, monks and novices climb through the darkness to pray here and honor his memory. It was very crowded and very cold."


All of the above are a far cry from John 3:16 and the hundred-plus other New Testament texts that state salvation is through faith in Christ alone and that faith, by its very definition, is apart from works (Romans 4:4-5)

Conclusion: The Copts are an unevangelized people group. 

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