
Dr. Mike Halsey is the chancellor of Grace Biblical Seminary, a Bible teacher at the Hangar Bible Fellowship, the author of Truthspeak and his new book, The Gospel of Grace and Truth: A Theology of Grace from the Gospel of John," both available on A copy of his book, Microbes in the Bloodstream of the Church, is also available as an E-book on If you would like to a receive a copy of his weekly Bible studies and other articles of biblical teaching and application, you can do so by writing to Dr. Halsey at and requesting, "The Hangar Bible Fellowship Journal."

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Friday, October 7, 2022


I won't give the "entertainer" any more publicity than she's already received, so she shall remain anonymous.  Her recent public appearance brings up the question, is anything sacred anymore in America? Are we giving our approval for desecrating  and mocking historical artifacts revered for their connection with the past? In my opinion, the answer is "Yes," and there is a biblical connection to our thinking together on this important matter. 

The celebrity in question is a sight to behold on that September night, all decked out for her irreverent stunt before a live audience. First of all, when she comes on stage, you would say that she has been successful in defeating anorexia. I'm putting it nicely that her weight is way, way out of control and dangerously so. Enough said. You get part of the picture.

I say part of the pictrue because we need to note the way she's dressed. I use the word "dressed" loosely because this obese woman is by no means modest. She's dressed in such a way that you wouldn't let her in your home and in days gone by, she would have been arrested for indecency. Enough said on that account too. 

You get the picture. If that's not insulting enough to normal people, to complete the picture, she's holding a flute. You might be thinking, "Well, that's at least something normal about this whole thing, she's going to play the flute for her eager fans. 

This is where irreverence enters. The flute she's holding is on loan from the Library of Congress to her for this night of revelry. It's a historic flute and a valuable one because of the person who owned it way back 200 years ago. It's the flute that was a gift to none other than the Father of the Constitution given to him in celebration of his second inauguration "by the French flute maker Claude Laurent. The Library of Congress has maintained the 200 year-old flute in its vault for decades before allowing [her] to play it onstage." (, CNN, Sept. 29, 2022) 

During her performance, to accompany her flutist skills, she does a lewd dance to the music she's playig. Picture all that and the picture of that night is complete except to mention that the crowd applauded the whole thing. People eagerly approving the profane display of the descration of our history. One other thing worth mentioning--this took place in Washington DC.(!)

There's a biblical connection straight out of Daniel 1:2 and 5:1-4. In Daniel 1:2, the Bible tells us what appears to be an incidental detail but it's not. The detail given is that after Nebuchaddnezzar defeated Jerusalem, he brought some of the vessels from the house of God to the house of his god and into the treasury of his god.  It's like in a movie where a lady comes into her house from shopping and puts her keys on the dining room table and the camera focuses on the keys. You know that those keys in some way, some how are going to be important later on.Where she places the key is not an incidental detail. 

In Daniel 5, Belshazzar, the king, holds a huge banquet and is drinking when he had an idea and that was to mock the God of Jews by sending some servants to the museum where they had been on display to get those sacred vessels and drink from them, thus making through their use of the vessels libations to their gods. It was irreverent and choreographed to mock Jehovah. This is where the hand writing on the wall comes in to announce an immediate judgment. Lesson: God is not to be mocked. You lose when you mock God. God wins.

The irrevence to our Father of our Constitution done in Washington DC was a choreograhed mockery of our past and of our Founding Fathers. We can assume that they aren't stupid--they knew what they were doing.

And so we see that Daniel lived at a time in which nothing was sacred, all was grist for a mockery mill. What God calls sacred, we find mocked: marriage is mocked, human life as valuable is mocked, people who hold biblical values are mocked, and the list goes on and on. 

What did Daniel do, living in a day and place where nothing was sacred? He remained faithful and publicly so as we see in Daniel 6:12 in which a stealth law was passed expressly get Daniel. It concerned his praying and the stealth law was that there was to be no one praying except to the king. Daniel's response was to pray, especially where the authors of the law could see him.

Daniel is an example of what we need--more men to be public disciples of Christ.. 

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