
Dr. Mike Halsey is the chancellor of Grace Biblical Seminary, a Bible teacher at the Hangar Bible Fellowship, the author of Truthspeak and his new book, The Gospel of Grace and Truth: A Theology of Grace from the Gospel of John," both available on A copy of his book, Microbes in the Bloodstream of the Church, is also available as an E-book on If you would like to a receive a copy of his weekly Bible studies and other articles of biblical teaching and application, you can do so by writing to Dr. Halsey at and requesting, "The Hangar Bible Fellowship Journal."

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Friday, August 2, 2024


 "But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse." (II Timothy 3:13)

The rebellion of fallen humanity against God is not static; it will continue to metastasize as time passes. The message Paul writes to Timothy is, paraphrased, "Cheer up; things are always going to get worse on this planet until Christ returns." 

People who study history have an annoying habit: when someone mentions some current event, here comes the history major to intone, "Yes, but that's not the first time that's happened," and then he'll proceed to give us a lecture to cure our ignorance. But when it comes to II Timothy 3:13, he can't lecture us because the growing rebellion has never been as evil as it is and will be as each day goes by. So, our over-educated and rude historian friend must fall silent.

In the times in which we live, this predicted rebellion gets worse with daily outrages. For example, has the opening of the recent Olympics in Paris ever been as rebellious as it was in 2024? The opening "ceremony" was so disgusting that to describe it is, in and of itself, an exercise in depravity.

Has the so-called pride flag ever been carried and proudly displayed with relished ostentation in outer space to be televised as it orbits the earth in the space station as it was in December 2021?. 

Have children as young as kindergarten age ever  been taken by their proud parents to sit and listen to a story time of perversion as given by depraved people in a public library? Has the People's House (aka the White House) ever been bathed in "pride colors" on the day the president signed the Respect for Marriage Act. (Notice the misnaming of the bill.) 

 Going back and referring to the Olympic Games' opening ceremony, a reporter went out on the street to get the opinions of the ceremony of passersby. Their response? "It was a beautiful ceremony." "It was so wonderfully inclusive." "I liked it." Each of those responses summed up all of those shown, a further indication that France is dead spiritually.

Has any opening ceremony featured a participant reclining on a dinner platter in an attempt to imitate Dionysus, the pagan god of drunkenness and orgies? 

From a news article after reviewing the reaction to the ceremony, we read this: "First lady Jill Biden had high praise for the opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics. She called the opening ceremony 'spectacular.' Biden remarked that the U.S. would have to work hard to top Paris' opening ceremony when the games are held in Los Angeles in 2028."

But now for the rest of the story. As has been the tradition going back to the 1990s in Atlanta, the worldwide audience must sit still and listen with reverence to the worst song ever written, "Imagine" by John Lennon. (One noted author and commentator called it a Communist song. Therefore, in this case Lennon is like Lenin.) At it's core, the song is like the aforementioned ceremony, it's a secular hymn of rebellion. 

Speaking of the French, they are considered to be the most anti-Christian nation in Europe. Annually, there are three anti-Christian attacks everyday in France, an average of 1,095 per year!

The sad part of that stat is that France is part of the West and the civilization of the West was built on Christianity. Ingrates, one and all.

According to the Bible, all of this rebellion will grow until it will climax as predicted in II Thessalonians 2:3-4: the anti-Christ in the Temple declaring himself deity. He will be the ultimate rebel in the human race. All of the rebellion that outrages us today is the preparation for the coming of the anti-Christ whom the world, minus the raptured Christians, will welcome with open arms and adoring eyes.

But for blessed relief from reading all of the above, cleanse your eyes out with I Thessalonians 4:13-18.

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